If you were in a position of authority and these five came to you at the life-and-death Summit Conference in Paris with the incredible details of The Plot would you believe any one of them?
Matt Brennan—once a trusted member of the State Department until his life was shattered by accusations of treason ...
Medora Hart—young, ravishing, beautiful, whose involvement in a Profumo-like scandal had all but toppled an English government ...
Jay Thomas Doyle—once a renowned and respected columnist, now struggling desperately to recapture his lost fame by a most dangerous expos? ...
Hazel Smith—an embittered American foreign correspondent and the mistress of a man high up in the inner circles of the Kremlin ...
Emmett A. Earnshaw—an ex-President of the United States, fighting an all but hopeless battle against a ruthless German munitions tycoon to retain an honorable place in history ...